How Does Remote Work Impact Your CFO & Company Finances?

If you’re a small business owner, you probably already know that it’s genuinely hard to excel at every part  of your business operations. In order to find financial  success, you need help. Do you actually want to do your own accounting when you’re not an accountant? Now you know maybe you do need to outsource this, but what exactly does that mean, and how do you find someone you can trust?

Digital Finance

The idea of digital finance happens when a company takes their bookkeeping services online. And it makes sense.  Accounting services usually involve one person doing heavy computer work. In person meetings don’t need to be frequent, so in the interest of saving money, having a digital finance department makes a lot of sense.  

Major corporations are making the move and allowing their CFOs to work remotely.  But what about an accounting finance service for small business like yours?  There’s a good chance that you (the owner) are the one to provide CFO services. Maybe it’s time to consider outsourced bookkeeping for startups and small businesses. 

Accounting Finance Service for Small Business

You already know that virtual bookkeeping makes the most sense for your company. According to Accenture, up to 80% of accounting can be automated. And 56% of people surveyed say they want to work remotely. In this respect, a remote CFO is a no brainer! But do you have the money to hire a full-on accountant? Maybe it’s time to learn about outsourcing accounting services for small businesses. You need a partner who is not only experienced in, but who understands remote work and digital finance.

A reliable remote accounting finance service for small business such as Ursa Consultants, is made up of professionals with years of experience in bookkeeping services whose aim is to help your business grow. We are a distributed company with team members who also work remotely. In fact, we specialize in outsourced accounting services for startups and small businesses. 

Ursa Consultants operates as an extension of your business, basically serving as your accounting and consulting department.  We work to build a 1:1 relationship and learn your specific goals so we can help you get there. The Ursa team keeps accurate records, provides full transparency, and operates exactly how a CPA accountant or CFO  located in the office next to yours would. That’s because we are a team of highly skilled finance professionals! 

Virtual Bookkeeping

Using a digital finance or virtual bookkeeping service like Ursa Consultants is an easy decision for anyone who runs a remote or distributed business. Here are Ursa we have the expertise and technological tools available for small business bookkeeping and tax services, to be done remotely. . Working with an experienced digital finance team is easier, more efficient, and more cost effective than hiring an onsite accounting staff,.  

Outsourcing your accounting services allows you, the small business owner, the freedom to focus on your vision and spend more time growing your business!

About Ursa Consultants

As your business grows, you need a trusted partner who knows you, your business, and your aspirations.  Ursa extends this partnership through a 1:1 relationship, but through their trusted network as well. When you partner with Ursa Consultants, we not only have your books, but your back too!

Contact us today.


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